I had to wake up at 6 this morning to go to practice at Pasco High at 7.00am. The practice lasted for 3 hours and it went well. We didnt even run that much so it was nice on my ankles, and feet. I am getting better and starting to get with the flow of things.
You have to concentrate 100% the whole time your there or else you'll let your team down, thus looking like an idiot infront of everyone, thus running lines. It's a simple procedure.
I hope basketball doesn't infringe too much on the snowboarding season. Because snowboarding is like mmmm..mmmm. so that would'nt be good if I had to stay and play while the rest of my friends are up on the mountain. (but i committed myself to this so...we will see)
Heres some wierd, but funny pics I took in my practice jersey.
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glad to know the blisters, bloody socks, and stinky shirts are paying off. you're doin the work.
You look great! I think you look like a Bruneel in the bottom picture..a little like Seth. I never saw it before...
I love the snow too...
andrew i hope i can go to a game sometime.
i agree with erin
This is great info to know.
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